Prohibitions 严格禁止以下事项: It is strictly prohibited as follows: 6.1携带任何带有煽动暴力、仇视、歧视、恐怖主义、鄙视他人或与赛事商业利益相冲突的标语标示等宣传材料入场及/或对外展示。 6.1 carry to the Venue and/or display in the Venue with anypublicity materials with slogans, signs or marks indicating violence, hatred, discrimination, terrorism and prejudice or publicity materials conflicting with commercial benefits of the Event. 6.2携武器或烟花爆竹、玻璃制品、喇叭等易燃易爆易碎易响物或宠物入场。 6.2 carry weapon or animal or any inflammable, explosive, fragile and noisy object to the Venue including but not limited to fireworks and crackers, glassworks and trumpet. 6.3以赛票、比赛及其结果作为标的进行任何形式的博彩行为。 6.3 gamble or bet in any form on tickets, the Event and its result. 6.4在场馆内使用镭射笔、闪光灯等干扰比赛的设备。 6.4 use Laser pen, flash or any other facility or device to interfere with the Event in the Venue. 6.5服用精神药物期间或吸烟、醉酒状态时入场。 6.5 enter the Venue when a spectator is smoking or drunk or in the period of taking psychotropic medicine. 6.6在比赛进行时喧哗、不按规定间歇移动及场馆内吸烟等干扰比赛的行为。 6.6 make noise in process of a match, walk around not in the specified intermission, smoke in the Venue or conduct any other behaviors which may interfere with the Event. 6.7擅自进入场馆限制区域。 6.7 step into any area which is restricted to enter without prior permission. 6.8未经许可在赛场内兜售商品或服务(例如饮料、食品、纪念品、赛票等)及从事营销宣传或其他与赛事无关的行为或活动。 6.8 without prior approval, sell goods and provide services (including but not limited to beverages, food, souvenirs and tickets), conduct marketing promoting or any other behavior or activity not related to the Event in the Venue. 6.9未经许可将赛票、赛事名称或赛事知识产权(含标志、Logo、文字、图案及其组合、缩写或非英文译文、赛事影像等)用于广告、或其他商业目的以及从事其他侵权行为(如明示或暗示与赛事的关联误导他人等,只有赞助商或获得赛事主办运营方认可的合作伙伴才可将赛事名称或知识产权用于商业目的)。 6.9 without prior approval, use tickets, the Event name and the Event intellectual properties (including signs, logos, words, graphic images and combinations thereof, abbreviations and non-English translation, etc.) for lottery, advertising or any other commercial purpose and infringement (e.g. express or implied a connection with the Event to mislead others). Only a sponsor or a partner with prior approval may use tickets, the Event name and the Event intellectual properties for commercial purpose. 6.10其他有悖法律、公共道德、赛事声誉的行为。 6.10 any other behavior violating laws, public morality and reputation of the Event. |