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Security and risk


5.1 Spectators acknowledge that the Event is a mass activity and agree to be subject to all the security measures regulated by the Event promoter. All spectators shall cooperate with security personnel or other official staff in security control and showing tickets in case of entering the Venue, inspecting from time to time and etc.


5.2 The Event promoter will only provide parking lots and guide spectators to parking spaces and will not be responsible for taking delivery of and safekeeping the properties of spectators, whether in the parking lot managed or controlled by the Event Promoter inside or outside the Venue, whether free or for reward. Services provided by security personnel, such as guarding, patrolling, checking, querying and coordinating, do not include responsibility for taking delivery of and safekeeping the properties of spectators.


5.3 All the spectators entering the Venue shall be responsible for their behaviors and belongs. Spectators shall be liable for any personal injury or property damage to any third person caused for their own faults. Furthermore, in case of the aforesaid situation, the Event promoter will reserve the right to pursue relevant responsibilities.


5.4 Any additional cost, loss, absence or lateness of spectators resulting from traffic jam, regular bus delay or any other event beyond reasonable control, or any force majeure not attributable to the Event promoter shall not be compensated by the Event promoter.

5.5 在赛场内进行展示或营业的赞助商、参展商或其他第三方对自己的行为包括产品或服务的广告、宣传、售卖及售后等独立承担法律责任,运营方恕难承担担保或其他任何连带责任。

5.5 All the sponsors, exhibitors and any other third party who exhibit and/or trade in the Venue are liable for their commodities and/or services seperately including but not limited to any advertising, promotion, sales and after-sales. Spectators acknowledge that the Event promoter has not made any warranty in respect of the foregoing commodities and/or services ever and will not bear any related liability jointly and severally.


  • 订票热线    400-000-0000
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