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Venue and tickets


1.1 In Shanghai Qi Zhong Tennis Center (the "Venue"), which is the arena of Shanghai ATP1000 Masters, there is Center Court, Grand Stand Court 2, Court 3 and several practice courts. There can be six matches arranged in the aforesaid courts at the same time.

1.2持“中央场馆赛票”的观众可进入所有场馆观看比赛;持“2号馆赛票”的观众可进入除中央场馆外的所有场馆观看比赛;持有“全程套票”的观众可观看整个赛事期间所有场馆的所有比赛。  中央场馆以外的其它场馆均不对号入座,因此赛事主办运营方保留根据现场上座情况控制该场馆入场人数的权利。

1.2 A spectator who holds a Center Court ticket has access to all the other courts; a spectator who holds a Grand Stand Court 2 ticket has access to all the other courts except for Center Court. A spectator who holds series tickets has access to all the courts during the whole Event. Seats in the courts other than Center Court are not reserved or numbered; therefore, the Event promoter reserves the right to restrict the entrance of spectators to the aforesaid courts according to the attendance practically. 


1.3 Students (full-time) and wheelchair spectators shall subject to the special terms and conditions for tickets which will be published every year.  Children are admitted full-price.


  • 订票热线    400-000-0000
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