Entry and exit 3.1每一名观众都必须凭票入场。在任何情况下,赛事主办运营方都没有义务为购票者补换赛票,这些情况包括且不限于赛票自然灭失、破损、遗失、被盗、难以识别等。 3.1 A spectator is admitted by ticket only. Under no circumstances shall Event promoter be responsible for replacing tickets in circumstances that include but are not limited to tickets being lost, stolen, damaged, difficult to identify or otherwise disappearing. 3.2一经检票入场,赛票将被标示入场记录,一张赛票在同一比赛日只允许同一持票人一次入场使用。 3.2 Once check in, a ticket will have an admission record on ticketing system. Therefore, a ticket shall only be used once by one ticket holder on the same day. 3.3入场后应妥善保管好赛票以备可能的再次查验;不能出示所持赛票的进场者将面临被驱逐离场的风险。 3.3 The ticket shall be kept with due care after admission for being checked again from time to time. Unless otherwise provided, any person who does not show his or her ticket shall be expelled from the Venue on the Event promoter''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s discretion. 3.4同一比赛日内中途不得出场;特殊情形须交存赛票换取对应凭证并办理相关手续后从专门通道出场,凭专用凭证再次进场并换回赛票;且同一比赛日中途出进场仅限一次。 3.4 No checking out the Venue in midstream and no re-admission, except depositing the tickets in exchange for a corresponding voucher in the designated office, proceeding with the formalities and leaving through the assigned passage in special cases. For re-admission, it is necessary to show the voucher in exchange for the ticket. Re-admission is limited to once only on the same day.